SECTION 15: That One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) be transferred from 101-900-573030 General Fund – Transfers Out/Transfers Out to fund 235 – Park and Recreation Fund


Ordinance No.: 2023 –

Introduced by:

Requested by: Council as a Whole


Adopting and Amending ordinance No. 2022-75 (Permanent 2023 Appropriations) by appropriating from unappropriated funds in the General Fund, Tax Incentive Revenue Prosecutor County Contribution, Sewer Fund, and Storm Water Fund and transferring funds from the General Fund to the Park and Recreation Fund and declaring an emergency.

Wood Counties, Ohio:

BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Fostoria, Seneca, Hancock, and

SECTION 1: That ordinance No. 2022-75 (Permanent 2023 Appropriations)

passed December 20, 2022, be, and the same is hereby amended as delineated in the following sections:

SECTION 2: That Forty-Five Thousand Dollars ($45,000) be appropriated from unappropriated funds appropriated to 101-200-500110 General Fund – Public Health – Cemetery/Personal Services – Full Time Salary.

SECTION 3: That Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) be appropriated from unappropriated funds appropriated to 101-660-500130 General Fund – Transportation – Airport/Personal Services – Part Time Salary.


That Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000) be appropriated from

unappropriated funds appropriated to 101-730-500110 General Fund – General Government – Law Director/Personal Services – Full Time Salary.

SECTION 5: That Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) be appropriated from unappropriated funds appropriated to 101-741-531700 General Fund – General Government – Income Tax/Contractual Services – Other Contractual Services.

SECTION 6: That Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000) be appropriated from unappropriated funds appropriated to 101-780-531510 General Fund – General Government – Lands and Buildings/Contractual Services-Gas.

SECTION 7: That Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) be appropriated from unappropriated funds appropriated to 101-799-541100 General Fund – General Government – General Administration/Materials and Supplies – Office Supplies.

SECTION 8: That Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) be appropriated from unappropriated funds appropriated to 250-741-561860 Tax Incentive Revenue Fund

– General Government – Income Tax/Other – Refunds.

SECTION 9: That Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000) be appropriated from

Fund – General Government – Law DirectoriPersonal Services-Full Time Salary.

Fund General Government – Law Director/Per-50110 Prosecutor Counteracted from

SECTION 10: That One Million One Hundred Fifty-Five Thousand Dollars ($1,155,000) be appropriated from unappropriated funds appropriated to 520-525-

559004 Sewer Fund – Basic Utlity – Sewer Maintenance/Capital Outlay – Infrastructure.

SECTION 11: That Four Hundred Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($407,900) be appropriated from unappropriated funds appropriated to 520-525-559004

Sewer Fund – Basic Utility – Sewer Maintenance/Capital Outlay – Infrastructure.

SECTION 12. That Thirty Thousand Dollars. ($30,000) be appropriated from unappropriated funds appropriated to 521-522-500110 Storm Water Fund – Basic Utility

– Storm Water/Personal Services – Full Time Salary.

SECTION 13: That Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000) be appropriated from unappropriated funds appropriated to 521-524-500110 Storm Water Fund – Basic Utility

– Clean Water Compliance/Personal Services – Full Time Salary.

SECTION 14: That Five Hundred Twenty-Two Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($522,300) be appropriated from unappropriated funds appropriated to 521-522-559004

Storm Water Fund – Basic Utility – Storm Water/Capital Outlay – Infrastructure.

SECTION 15: That One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) be transferred from 101-900-573030 General Fund – Transfers Out/Transfers Out to fund 235 – Park and Recreation Fund

SECTION 16: That this ordinance shall be published in accordance with applicable

Ohio Law.

SECTION 17: It is found and determined that all formal actions of this Council concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Council, and that all deliberations of this Council and any of its committees that resulted in such formal actions were in meetings open to the public, and in compliance with all legal requirements including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.

SECTION 18: That in order to preserve the public peace, health, safety and welfare of the City of Fostoria and its inhabitants, and in order to make the appropriation adjustments in the Permanent 2023 appropriations without delay to meet pending obligations, this measure is determined to be an emergency ordinance and shall take effect at the earliest time allowed by law after its passage.

THEREFORE, upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all members elected to Council, and signature by Mayor, this ordinance shall take immediate force and effect.

Passed this

day of November, 2023.

Brian Shaver, Council President


Tamara L. Drake, Clerk of Council

Filed with me and approved by me this

day of

– 2023.

Eric J. Keckler, Mayor