The City of Fostoria’s Un-Documented Partnership with Scanner Media: A Conflict of Interest and a Risk to Public Trust

In the age of digital information, the relationships between local governments and media outlets are under intense scrutiny. The City of Fostoria’s un-documented partnership with Scanner Media & its representative Zach Stumpf, an online platform boasting over 40,000 social media followers, has raised significant concerns about conflicts of interest and the potential for government control over public opinion. This article examines the implications of this covert alliance and the inherent risks associated with such partnerships.

Un-Documented Partnerships: A Breach of Transparency

Transparency is a cornerstone of democratic governance. When government entities engage in off-the-record partnerships with media companies, it undermines public trust. The City of Fostoria’s relationship with Scanner Media is particularly troubling because it lacks formal documentation and public accountability. This absence of transparency raises questions about the nature and extent of the collaboration, as well as the motivations behind keeping it off the books.

Scanner Media: An Overview

Scanner Media/Zach Stumpf has garnered a substantial following on social media, positioning itself as a key player in local news dissemination. With over 40,000 followers, the platform has significant influence over public perception and opinion in Fostoria. However, its undisclosed partnership with the city government suggests a potential bias in its reporting, which could be used to shape public narratives in favor of governmental interests.

Conflict of Interest: Media Independence at Risk

The independence of the media is crucial for holding power to account. An off-the-record partnership between a government entity and a media outlet like Scanner Media poses a clear conflict of interest. This relationship can compromise the objectivity of the media, leading to skewed reporting that favors the government’s agenda. The risk is that Scanner Media might prioritize city-friendly stories or downplay issues of corruption and misconduct, thereby failing to provide the critical oversight that is essential in a healthy democracy.

Government Control via Media

The potential for government control over the masses through a compliant media company is a serious concern. When a government can influence what is reported and how it is presented, it gains the ability to manipulate public opinion. In the case of Fostoria, the partnership with Scanner Media could be leveraged to control the narrative, suppress dissent, and marginalize opposing viewpoints. This scenario echoes the tactics used by corrupt regimes to maintain power, where media outlets become tools for propaganda rather than instruments of truth.

The Role of Social Media Influence

With its substantial online presence, Scanner Media/Zach Stumpf wields considerable power over public discourse. Social media platforms amplify this influence, allowing the rapid dissemination of information—or misinformation. The potential for a government-aligned media outlet to sway public opinion through these channels is immense, making the need for transparency and accountability even more critical.

Call to Action: Ensuring Media Integrity

To safeguard democracy and ensure the integrity of the media, several steps must be taken:

  1. Demand Transparency: The City of Fostoria must disclose the full extent of its relationship with Scanner Media. Documentation of any agreements, formal or informal, should be made public.
  2. Promote Media Independence: Media outlets must maintain a clear separation from government entities to preserve their objectivity and credibility. Scanner Media should demonstrate its commitment to unbiased reporting by being transparent about its funding sources and editorial policies.
  3. Public Oversight: Citizens should be vigilant and demand accountability from both their government and local media. Public forums and independent watchdogs can play a crucial role in monitoring these relationships.
  4. Ethical Standards: Both government officials and media organizations should adhere to high ethical standards, ensuring that their actions do not compromise public trust.


The City of Fostoria’s un-documented partnership with Scanner Media presents a clear conflict of interest and poses significant risks to democratic governance. By allowing such relationships to exist in the shadows, the potential for government control over the masses through corrupt media practices becomes a stark reality. It is imperative that both the city government and Scanner Media take immediate steps to address these concerns, ensuring transparency, accountability, and the preservation of a free and independent press.