Entries by The Fostoria Free Press LTD.

Josh Tolento Pro se v. The City of Fostoria | Ohio Supreme Court Case No. 2023-1360.

Complaint Document Public Docket _ OCTOBER 25TH, 2023 Author: Josh Tolento (Editor-in-Chief) The Fostoria Free Press LTD. Case No. 2023-1360 Josh Tolento Pro se v. The City of Fostoria was filed and accepted by the Ohio Supreme Court on Oct. 25th, 2023. This type of lawsuit is a Petition for Writ of Mandamus and I […]

Q&A With Fmr. Fostoria City Council President | Why Did He Resign?

October 12th, 2023 7:20PM Author: JT Tolento | Investigative Journalist FOSTORIA- Recently resigned Fostoria City Council President Steve Kauffman answered questions today submitted by community members. Kauffman resigned from City Council last month and submitted a letter of resignation effective Sep 30th, 2023. In his letter he briefly mentioned that City Government does not prioritize […]