Fostoria Resident Provides Help to 25+ Individuals Per Week “Because it’s the right thing to do.”

Author: Josh Tolento


Sarah Cooper, of Fostoria, Ohio invited me into her home Wednesday evening for an interview. Sara is the administrator of the local facebook group Traded Treasures.

I stepped into a humble home and was enticed by the lack of modernism. The walls were filled with family-made art and the floors are all original hardwood. The clean and rustic ambiance of the home cannot be missed.

Sarah’s Traded Treasures Facebook group is currently helping 25 individuals per week in the tri-county area. 80% of requests for help comes from Fostoria, 15% Tiffin, 5% Findlay. On average, Cooper receives 2-3 requests for food assistance per day in Fostoria.

“Last summer emptied my cupboards to give food to people. I was hungry at times.” – Cooper.

Since Fall of 2022 Sara has helped 900-1,000 people with clothing & food assistance. Although, kitchen, bathroom, toys, and household items are also donated on a regular basis. According to Sara there are several avid donors in the Traded Treasures group always passing items along for rehoming.

Cooper has extensive experience in home healthcare & massage therapy. Her path into healthcare began in 1995 as a volunteer candy striper at Fostoria Community Hospital. She worked as an STNA at St. Catherines and Good Shephard from 2002 – 2004 . She then pursued other areas within the realm of the license, like home health, hospice, mrdd, and group homes. Her motive for pursing a medical massage therapy license stemmed from being told she could not provide massage to hospice patients without a license. Sarah currently provides pro-bono massage therapy to Hospice patients now. From 2013 – 2019 she was employed as the GM of a commercial cleaning company and was in charge of overseeing cleaners in NW Ohio. The properties she oversaw included: Chase banks, Meijer, Owens Community College, and Ohio Orthopedics.

Sarah said “My motive to start this personal endeavor began with my youngest granddaughter falling ill. I started asking the community for free items of need to pass on to her. The idea for Traded Treasures was born and I became passionate about helping people with missed opportunities.”

How Does Traded Treasures Work?

Traded Treasures is here for anyone in the tri-county area to use regardless of their situation. People can request specific items including clothing based on sizes. During my 3 hour interview with her I learned the insides and out of the process. Sarah currently pays for all cleaning/washing expenses out of pocket and goes through 3 jugs of laundry detergent a month.

“I turn away clothing and items that are not quality, I want kids & adults to feel good about the clothes they are wearing.”

Cooper also provides emergency job interview clothes and then work clothes to do the job so they can feel confident walking into an already nerve-racking situation.

She expressed how much she loves putting together packages of toys & clothes for children. The joy I witnessed in her eyes was truly of a genuine place. There are currently 40-50 people in Fostoria asking for items on a regular basis.

“It’s heartbreaking how many people in town are hungry and asking me for food assistance.”

This is a safe, clean, secure donation station for any usable, working goodwill or restore type of second hand items, furniture, antiques, and more. Community members are able to connect with everything you’d find at a thrift shop absolutely free of charge. Every donation is put through a thorough cleaning process before being offered/re-homed back to the community for free.

Cooper is Facing Backlash

Cooper recently has been facing opposition from the City, along with a member of the Fostoria Historical Society John Wonderly.

Wonderly publicly accused Cooper on Facebook alleging that she is “stealing” from the community and running a business out of her home. Cooper filed a police report with Officer Reinbolt alleging harassment, public intimidation, stalking, defamation, slander, and false public accusations of theft and fraud.


Cooper stated that she is pursuing legal action with an attorney about this matter.

The Chamber of Commerce was contacted for a statement regarding this matter but no response has been received yet. This post will be updated if one is received.

Reporter Notes:

On November 1st, I had the pleasure of meeting Sarah Cooper for the first time, and I must attest that I observed no wrongdoing or fraudulent activity on her part. She is dedicated to providing invaluable services to numerous individuals and organizations, including Fostoria’s First Step. Sarah, a retired home healthcare worker, possesses a profound passion for helping people.

Sarah explained to me that she never accepts cash donations. In the case of substantial or valuable item donations, she diligently follows up with the donors to inform them about the item’s new home. Her commitment to this cause is truly commendable, as she covers all the expenses out of her own pocket. Sarah also regularly seeks donations of essential items such as laundry detergent and sanitation supplies to further her mission.


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