PROBE: Fostoria Volunteer Performing Duties of City Public Relations Officer

Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 14:15:04 -0400
Subject: Clarification Needed: Volunteer Performing Duties of City Public Relations Officer
From: The Fostoria Free Press <>
To: "" <>,

Hi Stephanie & Mr Shaver,

I have found the following to be true:

1. Zach/Scanner Media is performing some of the normal duties of a city
public relations officer.

2. There are *no* clear and official/written duties for Zach.

3. The volunteer runs a news & media website and has 30,000 Facebook
followers, and 11K YouTube followers.

4. The volunteer has access to the City YouTube Account

5. The volunteer profits from "Scanner Media"s YouTube account. (seeattached)

6. The volunteer=E2=80=99s public duties benefits the online image of Scanner Media.

7. The volunteer is receiving special treatment as a media company- with
camera angle privileges during meetings that other reporters do not

8. The volunteer discriminated against interviewing mayoral candidate
Shaffer prior to the last election.

   A. What date Will the city go on record that Zach begin conducting
duties for the city?

       1. If he was acting on behalf of the city for anything during
election season- It is my understanding that there are potential civil
rights violations. This is in regards to choosing to only interview the
current mayor and not his candidate.

Has the city discussed the potential risks that this situation poses to the
City of Fostoria?  Why is the City maintaining a relationship that poses a
clear conflict of interest?  Is Zach subjected to Public Record requests?

Considering the lack of written duties there is 0% transparency on the
relationship between the City & Scanner Media/Zach. There are also no
official guidelines delineating the boundaries of duties.

 I would like to request at a bare *minimum *that a document is created to
clarify in detail: duties, responsibilities, and admin access privileges
for City online accounts.

Before retaining an attorney I am reaching out to give the City an
opportunity to thoroughly examine all risks & declare all conflicts of
interest in written form.



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